Ver & ser



An onco-esthetic guide for hairstyles with scarves

Ver & Ser is a guide for hairstyles with scarves and basic hair care for patients on chemotherapy or radiotherapy. It is aimed at patients, adults and young people who suffer from hair loss during their treatment.

The guide has more than fourteen models of hairstyles with scarves, and also has a section on taking care of the scalp and suggestions on how to complement the hairstyles. The guide works on Android devices.

Ver & Ser also organizes hands-on workshops to teach how to create the hairstyles. The value of this resource goes beyond simply esthetics, improving the self-esteem and well-being of these people.Des de Ver & Ser també realitzen tallers presencials on s’ensenyen aquests pentinats. És un recurs que té una influència que va més enllà de l’estètica, ja que ajuda a l’autoestima i benestar d’aquestes persones.


Sustainable Development Goals


Good Health and Well-Being